Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New website!

Alright! :D I have a new website! I'll post everything there.

Here's the link: http://leet.is-geni.us

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Naruto Shippuuden - 001

Here's my new project. I'll use Viz's translation (with some minor changes) and the scripts shared by somuchmore, so typesetting (I did some modifications) and timing aren't entirely mine.

I used the R2J DVD9. So it's not a blurry release like the R1 ;)

Hope you guys enjoy it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - 04

Alright! The volume 2 of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt is finished and I'll be waiting for the next volumes. So don't ask when I'm going to release the next episodes.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - 03

Here's the third episode! :D

Well I laughed a lot while I was preparing this. Hope you guys laugh as much as I did :P

DDL | Torrent

Screen 1 | Screen 2 | Screen 3

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - 02

This is the second episode of this awesome anime. I'm really proud of releasing this anime. I can't wait for season 2 :)

DDL | Torrent

Screen 1 | Screen 2 | Screen 3

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - 01

Okay, this is my first project. The encode and audio is very good (I encoded it my self) and the subs are from Underwater. I didn't change their typesetting, because I think it fits this anime. So enjoy this episode with Blu-ray quality.

DDL | Torrent

Screen 1 | Screen 2 | Screen 3


Hi there! Well this will be my little blog :)

I'll announce my works here. Hope you like it ;)